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Bloom Filter

The Bloom Filter is a probabilistic data structure for set membership.

The filter can be used as an inexpensive first step when querying the actual data is quite costly (e.g: as a first check for expensive cache lookups or large data seeks).

What does it do?

A Bloom Filter can be understood as a hash-set which can either tell you:

  • An element is not part of the set.
  • An element may be part of the set.

More specifically, one can tweak the parameters of the filter to make it so that the false positive rate of membership is quite low.

I won’t be going into those calculations here, but they are quite trivial to compute, or one can just look up appropriate values for their use case.


I’ll be using Python, which has the nifty ability of representing bitsets through its built-in big integers quite easily.

We’ll be assuming a BIT_COUNT of 64 here, but the implementation can easily be tweaked to use a different number, or even change it at construction time.


A BloomFilter is just a set of bits and a list of hash functions.


class BloomFilter[T]:
    _bits: int
    _hash_functions: list[Callable[[T], int]]

    def __init__(self, hash_functions: list[Callable[[T], int]]) -> None:
        # Filter is initially empty
        self._bits = 0
        self._hash_functions = hash_functions

Inserting a key

To add an element to the filter, we take the output from each hash function and use that to set a bit in the filter. This combination of bit will identify the element, which we can use for lookup later.

def insert(self, val: T) -> None:
    # Iterate over each hash
    for f in self._hash_functions:
        n = f(val) % BIT_COUNT
        # Set the corresponding bit
        self._bit |= 1 << n

Querying a key

Because the Bloom Filter does not actually store its elements, but some derived data from hashing them, it can only definitely say if an element does not belong to it. Otherwise, it may be part of the set, and should be checked against the actual underlying store.

def may_contain(self, val: T) -> bool:
    for f in self._hash_functions:
        n = f(val) % BIT_COUNT
        # If one of the bits is unset, the value is definitely not present
        if not (self._bit & (1 << n)):
            return False
    # All bits were matched, `val` is likely to be part of the set
    return True